Sunday, September 18, 2011

Contestant #5

These pics could have been taken with a stop action camera. My dogs' favorite place is laying up against ME. I didn't have to go far to get these shots lol So here is the proof. As I work they all take a turn up here :)

Buster Brown
Buster Brown, my nervous one, is snuggled up but is keeping a half open eye out for the others
My sweet Montana in the coveted under-the-laptop-between-my-mama-and-the-arm-of-the-couch space. Jake is in the process of leaving in this shot, but
Jake has finally flaked out. Right in the middle of all my fibers. His favorite place :)


HappyDapperDogs said...

If they are like my dogs, they are Mommas dogs 'til Daddy is passing out the treats (cheese). They are precious!

Art and Sew Forth said...

What a happy crew! I bet they really LOVE the fact that you use such cozy materials!

kc said...

snuggly cuties!

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

Oh Alice, these pics are so wonderful. You are surrounded by love. So cute. I esp love the pic of Jake sprawled out on your material. Isn't it just wonderful to just spend time with all of them cuddled up to you?