Saturday, November 20, 2010

Contestant #8

Freya and Sissy
"Our dogs are thankful for the snow!

Freya is 12 weeks (beginning of the video) and Sissy is 17 weeks (end of video with Freya fully grown and Sissy playing). They're just a hoot and I can't help but laugh as Freya bounces through the snow in the video.

Freya of course is now almost 2 years old and is a Lab/Heeler/Coonhound cross (whoever came up with that one should come meet her)! Sissy is a Heeler/BC cross, is 17 weeks old, and way calmer than Freya can ever hope to be!"


SassySashadoxie said...

Love the romping in the snow. My dog hates the snow and rain. Pampered princess you know. heehee.

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

I just loves dogs playing, esp in the snow. So great you got this on video. I have one dog who loves it and one who, well... not so much.

Art and Sew Forth said...

What pretty dogs! Such fun!!

HappyDapperDogs said...

Oh what Fun it is to RuN!...Looks like she was trying to get you to play ...come on, come on, play with me!