Friday, October 8, 2010

Contestant #5


"This is "Hotwheel"
He is the Devil this year because he is in desperate need of confidence.
Being a Pomeranian born with little to no hair is very damaging to his ego, lol. "


Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

Well, I just love HotWheels hat with horns. LOL
And he should be very confident, becuase he is a cutie!

AngelPups said...

Hotwheels! You don't need the devil's horns to be confident!! You are one hot, tough cookie!! (*That's a quote from Molly and Moxie ;-)

SassySashadoxie said...

Aww, I thinks someone is barrowing my doxie's devil horns this year. heehee. Aww, what a cutie. Hope he realizes bald men have more fun. heehee.