"This is Watson, a quaker parrot, who speaks volumes. He says things like "No, I can't share it. It's got chocolate", "You make your mama laugh" -- then laughs, "What do you want for breakfast?", "Want your mama to give you a bath?", "Did you drop it?" -- always after he hears something hit the floor, "Stop it, Montana" -- that's to tell the dog to stop barking, "I'll be right back" -- when James leaves for work, etc....
In this photo, he's probably disgusted that I'm making yet again another DOG lol And there's also a dog ear in the bottom left corner that belongs to Jake, our latest rescue."
My vote goes here today.
This reminds me of me and my Sinbad. I wish he could talk like Watson.
Watson is a very pretty bird.
Yes, I'll vote for my own 'feather-baby' today. Even though he's been awful this morning: He won't leave me alone with my Sculpty clay -- he's drawn to it like a magnet, and when I drove him off he flew right in the middle of my already made items and blew them everywhere. Not a problem with my real furbabies :)
Watson-you remind me of my bird-in-law! She always seems to be getting into trouble! You two would be a nice couple! A vote for bad birdies today!
Adorable and unique! "watson" looks very content just being with his "mama" while she works. Love it!
A unique "furbaby". "Watson" looks quite innocent and content just sitting there while his "mama" works. Love it!
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