Chief Human Puppysitter
"Sasha here. I works very hard with my mommy every day. I am in charge of the "pawmoting" for our ETSY shop. I am a "paw-fessional" doggy model for mommy's photography. I am in charge of our "Pup-lick Relations" department. Also, I am the secondary car alarm and "paw-tection" service while dropping of packages at the post office. All this work makes one little wiener dog very tired, but the most tiring job of them all is "human puppysitting". Seriously, those human pups are always getting into my favorite squeaky toy stash or stealing my cheese. The worst part is, after all the sticky paws in my fur, the slobbery kisses, the over excited squeezing hugs, the eating of their stinky broccoli, and of course destroying the evidence of the occasional streaked underwear, I has to give STUFFED PINK POODLES doxie back rides!!"
You know your mommy will vote for you my little super doxie girl.
We vote for our doxie friend, Sasha.
Mommy votes for you again. :)
Sasha, you always have our vote cuz you're one cute and hard working doxie!
Sasha! You're the best and you get our vote too!
A vote from me, the super stuffer. Cute accessory on your back.
I vote for you Sasha.
Her mommy votes for her again. Oh, and Sasha says thank you for all the votes so far. Doxie kisses to you all.
Hannah says Sasha is a workadoxieholic! Four paws up for Sasha!
Sasha- don't worry about giving pink dogs a ride. Pinot once had to give a ride to a brown crocheted doxie that looked exactly like her a ride. I'll have to show you that picture so you feel better:)
Her mommy votes for her again. Oh, and Sasha says thank you for all the votes so far. Doxie kisses to you all.
Pinot wants to give another bark to Sasha!
We're giving Sasha another vote cuz she's just a wonderful wiener!
We believe in you Sasha!
I is so glad I has wiener friends to votes for me. Oh, and some non-wiener friends too. Doxie kisses to all of yous. Mommy votes for me again. I is making her. heehee.
I vote for most intelligent Doxie today!
Thanks for all the votes folks. Mommy votes for me again. Sasha and Mommy.
We vote for Sasha, our bestest internet friend.
Go Sasha go!!
Giupetto and Gianna
I just HAD to give Ms. Sasha my vote today. She's one of the hardest working Doxies I know of :)
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