Bob Cat
"This is Bob (last name Cat). Bob was abandoned when only a few months old by his original owners, who moved away and left him behind. He is the sweetest cat ever and loves everyone and everything...including grass. Since we don't let him go outside, we decided to bring a little of the outside in and so gave him this box of grass dug up from a corner of the yard. As you can see, it was a very big hit."
I love Bob Cat! He gets my vote :)
Bob the cat is my co-worker's kitty and I think he's the cutest ever :)
Bob Cat is the cutest! Go Bob Cat!
--- Abigail Jo Dyer
This is my favorite picture!
This is too rich! Great pic! That gets my vote,and I even have a photo in the contest...but this pic is great!!!
Bob Cat, you look so comfy on your grass! Great pic, and great story.
Go Bob. He gets my vote. Just don't tell my dog I didn't vote for her hehe
cat bob, bob cat!
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