WHAT THEY ARE MOST THANKFUL FOR: Their new family and each other.
STORY BEHIND PHOTO: Eddie and Olive are both rescue dogs. We adopted Eddie (on the left) about 2 years ago from a abusive home where he was very neglected and barely alive. We recently adopted Olive (on the right) a few months ago from a local rescue where due of her previous home, she was terrified of people and animals. Both chihuahua's have become best friends and are inseparable. Every day they learn more and more from each other on how to play, chew bones, go for walks - how to just be happy, healthy dogs. This Thanksgiving they are thankful for their new family and each other. :)
Momma sez we're giving our vote today to Eddie and Olive! You two are beautiful little flowers that will bloom and bloom in your new life.
Love to you from your new Poodle friends in Tennessee!
Victoria, Bridgette, Ginger & Flame
Eddie and Olive get our vote today! Woo hoo!!
Giupetto and Gianna
You little chichi's get my vote today!
-Chris Andrus
Of course you little babies get my vote! :)
Proud mama,
-Shannon Harris
I had to learn how to write just so I could vote for you two. Eddie and Olive all the way!
Socks & Ozzie are cats,they think their cousins Eddie & olive are a bit funny looking but family is family sooo of course we vote for them!!!!!!hello from Texas!!
~~ Jessie!
Eddie and olive have my vote.
Eddie and Olive are getting my vote too!
They are getting at vote from me today! :)
These little snugs get my vote!
Brenna (my rescued collie) and I give you two our vote today! Welcome to the good life! :)
Cocoa, Brenna and the 3 cats
Aww, we vote for Eddie and Olive! Such sweet adorable pair!!
Its really hard when I see so many wonderful entries - including my own - but giving our vote to these little treasures is just simply the right thing to do.
We're pulling for you Eddie and Olive!
Victoria, Bridgette, Ginger & Flame!
Sending my votes this way!
voting for my babies again today! :)
Voting for the pups today. :)
- myspace.com/chrisandrus
I have to vote for the rescue dogs and the good family who is giving them love.
Still pulling for our Chihuahua friends!
Victoria, Bridgette, Ginger & Flame
Go Eddie, go Olive, go Eddie, go Olive....
Victoria, Bridgette, Ginger & Flame
Voting for my babies!! :)
Voting for my babies too!!
I'm placing my vote!
Eddie and Olive get my vote today!!
-Gerri H.
You little pups are too cute, you get my votes!
awww...I think it's too late for me to vote for these little guys, but they are so sweet and their story is wonderful. Bless you for adopting them and giving them a loving safe home.
these cuties get my vote!!
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