- Voting will be from September 21, 2009 midnight EST through September 27, 2009 at noon EST.
- Look at the entries and pick one (per day) to vote on.
To vote, leave a comment by clicking on the Comment link under the pet you would like to vote for.
Then click on "Post a Comment"
Type your comment.
Type the "word verification"
Under "Choose an Identity", click Google (Blogger), Open Id, Name/URL or Anonymous and enter your information.
IF YOU CHOOSE ANONYMOUS, YOU MUST "SIGN" YOUR COMMENT WITH SOME ID NAME. You can use your Etsy, Artfire, AOL name - just something unique. (ie. I think such and so is so adorable. Sincerely, petsjubilee.etsy.com).
- NEW:
One vote per person per day.
Complete rules are listed on the sidebar of this page.